Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Image turned to grayscale in photoshop. Part where you want the color is lassoed and copy and pasted back into the picture.


PAint with Light

Done in a dark room with one light and camera set on BULB


Done in a dark room with 2 Flashes and the camera set on BULB



Bounce Flash with Fill Card

Bounce Flash (I prefer this one because it gives the photo a softer look instead of the hard shadows and lines of the direct flash.)

Direct Flash (Too "hard" and lighting isn't very satisfactory)

Free Project 5: PERCEPTION

Perception: What do you want your audience to see? What parts of your picture or object do you want visible and what parts do you want more subdued and in the shadows? What point are you trying to make with the angle you decide to use?

Free Project 4: ANGLE

The angle in which you capture an object or an event is vital to the overall effect of your photograph. It can emphasize certain parts of the photo and can also help to determine the particular mood or tone of your picture.